Low Doc Loan Comparison Calculator

Compare any two low doc loans on the market for a direct cost comparison. Determine which has the lower total fees and interest over the life of the low doc loan.


  • Interest is calculated by compounding on the same repayment frequency selected, i.e. weekly, fortnightly, monthly. In practice, interest compounding frequency may not be the same as repayment frequency.
  • It is assumed that a year consists 26 fortnights or 52 weeks which is counted as 364 days rather than 365 or 366 days.
  • No rounding is done throughout calculation whereas repayments are rounded to at least the nearer cent in practice.
  • This calculator does not take into account some loan features such as redraw facilities and offset accounts etc.

The calculator has been provided in good faith as a guidance tool only. Results are not financial advice, are a guide only, and are not a guaranteed outcome or quote. Borrowers should always discuss their individual situation directly with us.

Need help understanding your loan options?Please call us on 1300 736 976 or send an enquiry now.